*English version


Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)

ロジャー・ノリントンによる Heinrich Schütz の演奏は、次の録音があります。

おお主よ、すべての造物主よ(Ah Herr, du Schöpfer aller Ding)HSC;PJBE1968430-065-2
クリスマス・オラトリオ(Historia der Geburt Jesu Christi)HSC;PJBE;聖交響室内合奏団;イアン・パートリッジ;ほか1970430-632-2
二重合唱のためのモテト(Doppelchörige Motetten)HSC;PJBE;聖交響室内合奏団;イアン・パートリッジ;ほか1970430-632-2
今日キリストは生まれた(Hodie Christus natus est)HSC;PJBE1968430-065-2

About Heinrich Schütz

Pupil of Giovanni Gabrielli from 1609-1672, Heinrich Sch?z was employed by the Elector of Saxony in 1615 and became Kapellmeister two years later. While employed by the Elector, Sch?z made several visits to Italy and served three two-year terms as guest court conductor in Copenhagen. Sch?z's works include one opera (a first in the German language), Easter and Christmas oratorios, three passions, numerous polychoral Psalm settings in the style of his teacher, Gabrielli, other sacred concerted works in Latin and German, and Italian madrigals.

From Timothy A. Smith: dictionary of Bach contemporaries.