Percent Complete

Basic Definition | Description| | Example

Basic Definition

Property Name
This property is used by an assignee or delegatee of a to-do to convey the percent completion of a to-do to the Organizer.
Value Type
Property Parameters
Non-standard property parameters can be specified on this property.
This property can be specified in a "VTODO" calendar component.


The property value is a positive integer between zero and one hundred. A value of "0" indicates the to-do has not yet been started. A value of "100" indicates that the to-do has been completed. Integer values in between indicate the percent partially complete.

When a to-do is assigned to multiple individuals, the property value indicates the percent complete for that portion of the to-do assigned to the assignee or delegatee. For example, if a to-do is assigned to both individuals "A" and "B". A reply from "A" with a percent complete of "70" indicates that "A" has completed 70% of the to-do assigned to them. A reply from "B" with a percent complete of "50" indicates "B" has completed 50% of the to-do assigned to them.

Format Definition

The property is defined by the following notation:

  percent = "PERCENT-COMPLETE" pctparam ":" integer CRLF

  pctparam   = *(";" xparam)


The following is an example of this property to show 39%