Some Statistical Summary 1998

Thank you for visiting The Web KANZAKI. This site enjoys international access from about a hundred different countries, and visitors use variety of browsers.


By browser (user agent)

NS3=28%; NS4=20%; IE3=17%; IE4=18%; NS2=6%; etc. According to some 130 thousands samples in March 1998, about 54% uses Netscape and 35% Internet Explorer, while someone uses Lynx, WWWC, Cyberdog and even "sharp pda browser" (probably with new Power Zaurus). Interesting change from the result in last September. This might help what kind of browser you must have in mind when you write your HTML with device independent manner.


By country (top domain)

This is the domain stat of The Web KANZAKI from Dec. 1995 to September 1997. Roughly, Japanese visitors and foreign ones are half and half. US access consists of a quarter. Other frequent access countries among some 100 domains include:jp=48%; ?=17%; com=12%; net=7%; edu=5%; others=11%

1995年12月から97年9月までの累計で、約100カ国からの訪問があります。そのうちおよそ半分は日本、1/4はアメリカです(IP Onlyは204.2.10.8のようにIPアドレスのみ記録されて、ドメインが不明のもの)。いろいろな国や地域の方に読んでいただくことを考えると、これからはlang属性を記述するなどの工夫が必要かもしれません。