

Dr. Dobb's Journalの2004年5月号に掲載されたEugene Eric Kimによる記事 A Manifesto for Collaborative Tools が、Slashdot.orgで取り上げられたり、#swigのIRCで話題になったりと、ちょっと注目されているようだ。ダグラス・エンゲルバートの有名な論文 Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework をキー概念に、コラボレーション・ツールに求められるものを論じている。先日のバーナーズ=リーのインタビューでも「ウェブでの協業」が重要なテーマとしてあがっていたが、この分野がホットなのかな?


Fundamentally, the Semantic Web is about standards for knowledge representation, which is an important and worthwhile effort. However, the grand vision underlying the project is not people-centric enough. Evangelists suggest that by making human knowledge machine-readable, computers can help us in smarter ways. This makes sense, but it doesn't explain how that knowledge is captured and converted in the first place. We have a hard enough time expressing knowledge so that other people can understand. Is it realistic to expect massive numbers of people to express knowledge that computers will be able to unambiguously understand?

セマンティック・ウェブをmaking human knowledge machine-readableと壮大なものに仕立ててしまうと、そりゃ話が簡単でないのは当然(Dan Connollyあたりは、I'm certainly spending 99.9% of my time working on the balance between effort and reward for people. とご不満の様子だ)。むしろ、続くパラグラフで述べられているように、RDFslowly changing the way many of us think about dataという具合に力を発揮しつつあり、RSSやMozillaなど、これを利用したアプリケーションが動きつつあるといったところが、現実の“セマンティック・ウェブ”の姿なのだけれど。


...The syntax used to express a document is ultimately irrelevant. What's needed is a standard way to express and manipulate the fundamental constructs of a document, regardless of the syntax.

The lesson from XML -- as well as its predecessors, SGML and HyTime -- is that we can express all kinds of data as graphs. If there were a standard language for expressing graph-like data models (such as RDF) and standard APIs for manipulating these data models, the actual syntax of the data would be rendered mostly irrelevant...


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